Monday, November 29, 2004


Early to rise, early to bed/In and between I cooked and cleaned and went out of my head. Talk about a long forgotten TV show. The theme song from the 70's sitcom Alice was in my head this morning (most like due to the first line of the song). Going through life with blinders on, it's tough to see/I had to get up, get out from under and look for me. It's hard to get out of bed after 4 1/2 days off - especially when you have to go back to a hell-hole of a job. Overall, it was a good Thanksgiving -- spent time with the family and then took a roadtrip and stayed a few days with Lisa's family. All in all, a very good holiday.

However, instead of spending time discussing this, I want to talk about something that has been on my mind since I've returned -- that's my recognizing who my real friends are. I was talking to an online friend last night about my frustrations with my old friend James. As I stated in an early post, he's known for canceling on dinner outings, etc., but he calls me at least once (if not 2-3 times a week) late in the evening, just to "catch up." Sure, we see each other about once a month, but that's usually because I stop by his place. He never comes to mine (even though he's been invited), won't make commitments to have dinner (though he seems to be able to make those commitments to other friends with no problems), etc. My online friend made me start thinking about how much of a waste of time it is for me to be worried about him. That's going to change today.

I've been blessed with a great girlfriend, Lisa. She's one of the best things to happen to me. I've also been blessed with true friends -- including Kyle (probably my best friend) and the other friends I met in college and have grown closer to over the years. There are a few other true friends, too. I know that if I ever needed someone, there's at least half a dozen people I can call who would do anything for me -- that's amazing.

So I need to stop spending time worried about friendships of those that are questionable -- mainly James and Jay. I have more self respect than that. Of course, if they need me, I'll be there for them, but I'm not going to be used or manipulated. There's more to this story than I can write here, so you'll have to fill in the blanks where you see fit. All I know is that I'm truly blessed and thankful to God for the blessing.

I will try to get on a more regular posting schedule now...


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