Monday, November 01, 2004


Society blind by color/Why hold down one to raise another/Discrimination now on both sides/Seeds of hate blossom further/The world is heading for mutiny/When all we want is unity/We may rise and fall, but in the end/We meet our fate together. I'm not a big Creed fan, but their first album (My Own Prison) from the late 1990's, had some thoughtful lyrics. Many with religious undertones. Nevermind the fact that they sounded like a total ripoff of Pearl Jam. But I digress. This morning's earworm "One" has the great above verse in it. It makes me think of tomorrow's election. I truly believe that most people, including myself, see our nation as color blind. The problem is the media and specialty groups who try to divide us by color. Those specialty groups, in my opinion, include many liberals. Listen, I don't care if you're black, hispanic, asian, white, whatever ... we're all God's children. Period. So when I see politicians try to divide us (i.e., the Democrats running to the black dominated churches to spread their hatred), I get very frustrated.

I'm not sure how the election is going to turn out tomorrow. My bet is that we won't know the results to late Wednesday, at the earliest. My prediction is: if Bush wins by a small margin in one of the battleground states, lawsuits and recounts will begin. If Kerry wins by a small margin in one of the battleground states, he'll become president. Why is that? Republicans have more class. Us conservatives see this race as important, but if we don't win, life goes on. The same is not true for many liberals, who see the presidential seat as a throne for the king. We know that Kerry does become president, and screws up our national security or economy, we have the House and the Senate to put him back in place.

Enough politicing. This weekend was good. Broke even at my poker game with friends Friday night. Went to a college football game with Jay Saturday. The awesome Texan game with Alissa Sunday, and went trick-or-treating with her neice that evening. I'm exhausted though. I plan on staying home tonight, kicking back and watching the SNL political special. OK, maybe I haven't gotten my full fill of politics yet. ;-)


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