Friday, October 29, 2004

The Captain

Well I don't have as many friends because/I'm not as pretty as I was/I've kicked myself at times because I've lied/So I will have to learn to stand my ground/I'll tell 'em I won't be around/I'll move on over to your town and hide. Australian country singer (yes, there is such a thing) Kasey Chambers wrote and performed this song ("The Captain"). It is such a great, but sad song. Kind of put me in a melancholy mood this morning.

And you be the Captain/And I'll be no one/And you can carry me away if you want to/And you can lay low/Just like your father/And if I tread upon your feet you just say so/'Cause you're the Captain, I am no one/I tend to feel as though I owe one to you. I had a nice relaxing night alone at home last night. Only person I talked to was James, my old high school friend. He are really totally different these days, but we still keep in touch. He's gay, which is no big deal to me, but I worry about him. He seems unhappy. I don't think he's dating anyone, but I think he's still in love with this guy that's in another relationship. He's been in love with him for well over 10 years. This guy seems to string James along some, making him think that there's a possibility. However, James can be rather manipulative, too.

This got me to thinking: Is there really such a thing as a long-term gay relationship? Here's my two cents on the whole thing: Guys are selfish and untrustworthy by nature. This is why the male-female relationship works best -- the females bring out the best in us. They make us want to strive for better. I know a few gay men, and from hearing them talk, it seems like unfaithfulness and selfishness runs amok, more so than hetereo relationships. Everything seems to start out great, with a mighty bang, but goes down hill rather quickly.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting anyone down. Actually, while I think we are meant to be with the opposite sex, I think it's normal for same-sex feelings to arise at some point in most people's life -- especially for us men, since we're just looking to please ourselves. I'll admit, I've been there before, and even experimented -- but that's for another discussion. I just think there are reasons that God planned for men and women to be together, and not just for procreation.

I totally rambled today, sorry about that. I just hope James is alright. Hopefully we'll get together and talk soon. As for this weekend, its poker with one of my best friends (Kyle) and his neighborhood buddies. We haven't hung out in a few weeks, so that will be cool. Tomorrow night, it's the UH Cougar game with Jay. Sunday, it's the Texans game with Lisa, then trick or treating with her niece. So, a sports-filled weekend. But it should be fun.


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