Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day

Maybe it's because I didn't get much sleep last night and was grumpy when I woke up, but I didn't have an earworm this morning. That's very odd. So, let's just pretend that my earworm was "Election Day", the 1985 hit by Arcadia, a Duran Duran spin-off band. Not the best of songs by any mean, but it was rather damn catchy back in those days. And, of course, its fitting. :)

I'll be leaving work an hour early today so I can vote. I was originally planning on voting this morning, but my boss wanted to make sure that someone in our department was here at 8 AM, so I switched. She is such a worry-wart and micro-manager. The world would not end if no one was here for the first hour. She has become a pain ever since the merger was announced. She acts like chicken-little. It puts all of us on the edge. Also, she's kissing ass so much that its sickening. I can promise you that anything positive I've done this past year is NOT getting communicated to her superiors.

While I'm on the work subject, I just have to bring up another point. This is going to sound bad, I know. I'm the only male in my department. It's tough being the only male. Men and women have a different outlook on the work environment, for the most part. Now that I work with all women, I have found myself having to think of things that I never thought of before -- is it my turn to bring candy? Did I compliment a co-worker on a new hairstyle? Did I offend anyone with my e-mail? Gawd, I hate it. One of my co-workers has a bad marriage (it was bad before they even got married). Whenever her husband calls, she totally berates him on the phone in front of us. She raises her voice when he calls so everyone can hear her make an ass out of him (he may be an ass, I don't know ... And I don't care). I'm ready for a more professional environment.

Since Lisa's out of town, I think I'm going to hang with some friends tonight and watch the election results. I need to be with people while I'm doing that so I won't get frustrated. I sound bitter today, don't I? Sorry.


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